Sunday, July 28, 2024

The Revolution Orchestra with Dikla and Akram Odeh - I Shall Speak to You

At a loss of words to describe the sorrow I felt upon hearing of the tragedy at Majdal Shams, and upon seeing the names and faces of the 12 young victims, aged between 10 to 16. When I woke up with a heavy heart I felt the urge to hear this song and I've been thinking about it all day. It was originally performed by Chava Alberstein a few years after the Yom Kippur War, and this version, sung beautifully by Dikla and Akram Odeh, is part of a show by The Revolution Orchestra featuring 20 love songs performed in Hebrew and Arabic for the first time. From the show's description: "Through the translation into the other language, we will get closer and farther away, move between the familiar and the foreign, hear our love songs in a different way, and create a common dialogue." 

When you, pale from sorrow,
hide yourself in your silence,
let me talk to you,
and let me walk among your shadows,
to be with you.

I will not ask you why,
I will not bother your loneliness,
careful, a bit hesitating, 
with signs of care and loving-kindness,
I shall speak to you

There is strength in me, there is strength in me,
don't pity me
don't hinder your thorns from
scratching my legs.

When you, deadly tired,
cannot fall asleep in the dark,
in the hours when your nightmares
keep pursuing your dreams,
I will remain with you.

Near you, I am wandering,
Between your sleep and your wake,
My words are fragile,
My palms are tiny,
But they are by your side.

When I will see, or you will tell me,
with a soft whisper,
that your dead are gathering together,
I will bow my head too.

I will not ask you why...

Translation taken from LyricsTranslate

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