Saturday, June 8, 2024

Zehu Ze and Leah Shabbat - Will always wait for you

Overwhelmed with joy to hear of the stunning rescue of four hostages abducted from the Nova festival: Noa Argamani, Almog Meir Jan, Andrey Kozlov, and Shlomi Ziv. ♥♥♥♥

With all the happiness and excitement, 120 hostages are still held in Gaza. We can't forget them and we can't turn down a hostage deal that will bring all of them back.

Oh child, time passed
You went to search far away from here
And I'm waiting for you

Oh, my child in this world
A human bird like everyone else
Looking for the horizon

Every plane that flies in the sky
Every star lighting the eyes
Reminds me of you
Wagtails before the rain
Crickets in the evening
Will always wait for you

Oh, child, when it's quiet
I sit on the balcony to play
Tunes of longing

"Oh, child, please try
To arrive here quickly"
This is what I quietly ask

Every plane that flies in the sky
Every star lighting the eyes
Reminds me of you
Wagtails before the rain
Crickets in the evening
Will always wait for you

Lyrics from LyricTranslate

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