Saturday, June 29, 2024

Adam - Don't forget

So sad to hear of pop star Adam's death at 64, after a long battle with lung cancer. He left behind this statement: "If you are reading these words, it means that I am in a world that is all good, that's how they say, I can't recommend it yet. I want to thank you for the wonderful and unbelievable journey in this life. I did a lot, I went for it, and I went to the limit in everything, in love, in friendships, in creation. I have a few unfinished dreams left but not a lot. Thank you for the love, thank you for every person I met, or influenced in one way or another, thank you for the life. If I wasn't able to help from below in returning the hostages, I will try to act from above. Be good, love you."

He performed this lovely song in 1989 for the Festigal, a Hannukah show for children, back when it was a song contest and unsurprisingly it won first place. We won't forget you Adam ♥

People make mistakes in the darkness, pouring rain
They are silent, they are lonely
They forgot the miracle of happiness that was promised
When they were still children.

Don't forget, don't forget to feel and to see
Don't stop dreaming, hoping
Don't forget, don't forget to pity and to cry
Don't forget to love and to live.

I too was a child a long time ago
When I was better
And I forget the light blue in front of the cloud
But you, don't give up.

Don't forget, don't forget to feel and to see
Don't stop dreaming, hoping
Don't forget, don't forget to pity and to cry
Don't forget to love and to live.

When you grow up you'll still be a child in your own way
And you'll live among people
You will see such wonders here in your home
And across the whole world.

Don't forget, don't forget to feel and to see
Don't stop dreaming, hoping
Don't forget, don't forget to pity and to cry
Don't forget to love and to live.

Don't forget, don't forget to feel and to see
Don't stop dreaming, hoping
Don't forget, don't forget to pity and to cry
Don't forget to love and to live.

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