Saturday, June 15, 2024

Ran Danker - Babel

Ran Danker's bold new single speaks for itself but here are parts from an interview he gave earlier this week which provide a bit more context:

"This song was written a year ago, during the legal revolution. There was an internal urge of mine amidst all the anger and frustration to add to it and say 'What a fear, we're in a free fall and we don't see that we're losing our language with each other'. And then October 7 came and made it more tangible".

Listening to his song, I'm reminded of how I felt when I went to bed on October 6th, not fearing a security incident, but fearing how the Simchat Torah celebrations the next day would play out in Tel Aviv, after the clashes on Yom Kippur due to forced gender segregation in Dizengoff Square. I looked at the news before going to bed and there was a notification that the police had called up extra forces to be on guard in Tel Aviv, should things get out of hand...

"I think it's kind of a warning sign for all of us," Danker says of the song in the interview. "It's a place to say that we need to find a new language, that we're tired of the language of divisiveness and everything that leads us to not seeing each other because of people's cynical interests. We the people must find our new language because we have lost it. In this song, I talk about not wanting to leave this place. I want to make an effort and find another, creative way to another language".

The truth is, at this point in time I'm apprehensive of any calls for 'unity', especially when said in response to protests and criticism. There can't be real unity if we don't respect each other and our differences. It still feels like each group is fighting for their language to not get silenced, I'm not sure we're ready to create a new language, but we might not have a choice. 

I have to admit that while visually beautiful, the sight of people falling from the steps made me uncomfortable, but I guess that's the point. As Danker says, "I think the point is to look reality in the eyes and say 'the fall is already happening, we're already in it' and it could happen a second, third, fourth time, to infinity' I want to believe that it does make people think, to question, to wonder - why are we fighting for this place? In the name of what do we hate each other so much? The difference within us is enormous and that is the beauty. Even if we learn to live with each other here amid Israeli complexity, we need to understand that we are required to take action".

Even if here is where the path splits
Even if the tower we built is falling
Even if everything we planted is withering

We had a language
And unified things
There were words
For the simple things
After two thousand years
The value changed
If we stop we could ask
What was the intention

What was the intention when we said "Justice, Justice"
Why when we said "created in His image"
How else can we understand
You shall love
And you shall love fellow man
That is the whole Torah

Even if here is where the path splits
Even if the tower we built is falling
Even if everything we planted is withering
So what will be tomorrow
It depends on who you ask
If you ask me
It's not the time yet to pack up
Where do you look when the horizon blurs?

It's sad that the path has split
Everything we built is falling
If everything we grew is withering
Then what is the truth
Who do I ask
I keep getting confused
Do you want to leave or to stay
Where will I go
I don't have anywhere else
Say, don't you remember
You've already been an immigrant
The words are the same words
But what am I saying

What are you saying

What am I saying

Even if here is where the path splits
Even if the tower we built is falling
Even if everything we planted is withering
So what will be tomorrow
It depends on who you ask
If you ask me
It's not the time yet to pack up
Where do you look when the horizon blurs?


Even if here is where the path splits
Even if the tower we built is falling
Even if everything we planted is withering
It depends on who you ask
If you ask me
It's not the time yet to pack up
Where do you look when the horizon blurs?

Even if here is where the path splits
Even if the tower we built is falling
Even if everything we planted is withering

Thank you to forwards24 for the very helpful translation!

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