Sunday, September 1, 2024

Aner - Dove

Heartbroken to hear of the tragic murder of six of our hostages: Hersh Goldberg-Polin, 23, Eden Yerushalmi, 24, Ori Danino, 25, Alex Lobanov, 32, Almog Sarusi, 27, and Carmel Gat, 40. Heartbroken and also furious, especially after hearing that they were killed by Hamas terrorists just a few days ago and that four of them were meant to be released in the first stage of the proposed hostage deal. For almost 11 months we have been told again and again that only force will bring the hostages back when it's clear that the remaining hostages are now more in danger than ever before. Getting them home alive as soon as possible should be the government's top priority but it clearly isn't and the risk of abandoning them again is too high, not just for them and their families but also for us as a society.
I thought of this chilling song when I heard Rachel Goldberg-Polin and Jon Polin's powerful speech at the DNC, when they recounted how Hersh and his best friend Aner went to the Nova music festival and found themselves at the Re'im death shelter where dozens were killed but at least seven were saved thanks to Aner's selfless heroism. Aner's parents wanted him to be remembered not just for his death but also for the life he led and the music he made, which he had dreamed of sharing with the world. After his death, Aner's parents and friends went through over 60 of his songs and chose six of them to release in an introductory E.P. Each one of them showcases his immense talent but this song especially reveals who Aner was and how he saw the world. I can't help but wonder if Hersh ever heard these songs back in Aner's room in Jerusalem. After all he had been through he was so close to getting his life back and Jon and Rachel were so close to finally getting their son back home.

People are being murdered on my street
Can't you hear it in my voice?
Trying to concentrate on the half-full glass, shit
Again rockets in the air, going into the room
A stainless steel door I don't feel like I belong
But picking up a weapon won't make me feel that I do
For years I dream of seeing everything here quiet, there's no
Rest in my country for anyone
Kids in the Gaza envelope are sitting in a shelter 
In the West Bank they live in fear
I grew up like this, what's new?
A few more dead
Aren't you exhausted?

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