Saturday, May 18, 2024

Daniela Spector - Abraham

Earlier this week at the Memorial Eve ceremony at the city square I was struck by how different the atmosphere was from last year. Last year it was a moment to stop day-to-day life and acknowledge the heavy price of the soldiers who lost their lives, it was a sad night but I remember talking carelessly afterward with a friend, discussing our Independence Day plans and moving on. This year it felt that there was no day-to-day life to stop, it was more like a darker day among dark days, in which we heard the painful stories from our fellow city residents, our neighbors, who for them it was their first Memorial Day as bereaved family members in the inner circle of grief. I couldn't help but think of a line I read that somberly stated that in this region, the only difference between a bereaved family and one that isn't is time. It could happen to any of us. 
This year's Independence Day also had a very different vibe, with broadcasters airing a pre-recorded torch-lighting ceremony while showing images of the alternative torch-dousing ceremony happening in real time. It was painful to see the ceremony split into two but I understand why it was done. The organizers wrote in a statement "While the government is holding an ostentatious parade which is cowardly, contemptuous, disconnected and without an audience, families of the hostages and concerned citizens hold a dignified and appropriate ceremony that's plugged into the public sentiment". Daniela Spector was one of the singers at the event and when she performed this timeless song I felt a chill run down my spine, the lyrics echoing in my head ever since.

Don't touch this child
He doesn't belong
Can't you see
There's no time
Don't go captive after
The pillar of smoke
An old story
Wake up

Look for the hidden path

To come back home
You fight
You work every day and try to get by
With what there is and the never-ending pain
You fight more

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