Saturday, November 16, 2013

Cannons-Invisible Cities

22. That's the age of the members of Cannons and it's exactly how their music feels. It really captures that period when you're after the army, maybe also after the traditional after-army trip abroad, figuring out what's next in life, waiting for something big to happen. I've been waiting for the debut album to come out for quite a while and it was well worth the wait! I don't think I've heard such a cohesive and well produced (and also foreign sounding) Israeli English album since Umlala's excellent StandGoShowShout (who by the way have a new E.P coming out soon). What really makes this band special is not just their distinctive sound but also their very thoughtful lyrics, which can sometimes be easy to miss under the upbeat music. I'm looking forward to the bandcamp release just so I can closely read the lyrics but in the meantime here is the full album from youtube-37 fantastical minutes which will make your day a lot more brighter.

There's nothing romantic in waiting for this feeling to pass.
I cannot find the charm in spending so many nights alone.
Devices are not effective, again it's hard to breath.
A few calls and my soul is already spread upon the operating table.

The letters are hiding in the tired facial creases.
I owe you so much of this.
Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever stop thinking about you.
I wonder, no longer able to understand clearly what I'm missing.

When will time be in our hands again?
Love, I don't ask for much.
Do kids still jump into the river from the bridge?
Weaving strings, over their backyards, staying up all night,
crossing fingers, staring down,
waiting for something big to happen.

My own blood doesn't scare me anymore.

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