Sunday, October 6, 2024

Efrat Gosh - To See the Light

In memory of the beautiful souls ruthlessly murdered on October 7th. This heartbreaking video first aired about two weeks after the massacre when the fate of so many festival-goers was still unclear. Ofir Tzarfati, who was celebrating his 27th birthday at the festival, was declared dead in late November and on December 1st the IDF announced that it had rescued his body from Gaza. Ruth Peretz, 16, born with cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy, was a fixture at music raves and was confirmed dead after many days of uncertainty. Inbar Heyman, 27, volunteered at the festival as a "helper", assisting those who felt unwell. In December her family was informed of her murder in captivity. Mia Schem, 22, was released in late November and has said that she can't begin her recovery until the remaining hostages return home, a statement echoed by other hostages who were released. 
Although this beautiful song wasn't released as a memorial song, it quickly became one and was often played on the radio on quiet days after terrorist attacks and at memorial ceremonies. Because of the lyrics, up until October 7th it was often associated with surviving the Holocaust and the forest that I would see in my mind when listening to it was in Eastern Europe. Now I see in my mind the Reim forest and when I listen to the lyrics I think of the hostages in the tunnels yearning to be free. We won't be able to see the light until they will be able to see the light.

For I saw my path disappear
In a tangled forest, among grove walls
And in the bleeding ground
My feet were planted, struck roots

And for a moment I could hear
Leaves teaching their song
And I wanted to rise high
To bloom with them

I knew the drops of the rain
Gathering inside me, falling under me
And the cold and desperate wind
Froze me, weighed on me

And for a moment I could touch
The edge of the gray pain
And I wanted to rise high
To see the light
To see the light

They say the sky is blue above us
Full of lights
Maybe one day I too will be able to see
To see

And I fell to the ground, silently
I closed my eyes, I sealed my heart
And I felt how I was breaking down
From all my pain, from all my loneliness

And for a moment I could run away
Like a feather on a bird's wing
And I managed to rise high
To see the light
To see the light

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Peer Tasi - What Tomorrow Will Bring

It's not exactly a joyous new year. Yesterday afternoon right before heading out to the family Rosh Hashana dinner news broke that eight IDF soldiers had died in battle in Lebanon while fighting Hezbollah operatives and later in the evening we learned more about the victims who were murdered in Tuesday's terror attack at a light rail station in Jaffa. Of course, the main topic of conversation at the dinner was Iran's heavy missile attack and where it had caught us. I was at my mom's place and when the sirens began we headed with our two dogs to the stairs, trying to calm them down. They had gotten used to a siren here and there but could sense that this was clearly different. I bumped into a neighbor I always chat with and we settled into our usual small talk as if we were just waiting for the elevator and not taking cover from missiles. "They better not start with this again tomorrow, I have so much cooking to do!" she said, and at that moment I felt that things were going to be okay. As Peer Tasi sings, who knows what tomorrow will bring, we can only hope for the best and take comfort in being with our loved ones. Here's to a much better year ahead. ♥

Don't be afraid to just jump into the water
And keep one close friend
And wherever you go I'll call it home
So I live on almost every street

Don't just try to hide the longing
It will eat us from the inside
Minute by minute and then week by week
It comes when you're not waiting

I would take everything to my lungs
In the middle of the night, I'm in the lights
I just wanted to hug you
Because who knows what tomorrow will bring
I would walk even barefoot on thorns
Find you among millions of people
I just wanted to hug you
Because who knows what tomorrow will bring

To learn to fly like a bird in the sky
And to see beyond the picture
To ride on the imagination like a bicycle
To feel like for the first time

Maybe I look a bit tough on the outside
It passes slowly with the years
Minute by minute and then week by week
It comes when you're not waiting

I would take everything to my lungs
In the middle of the night, I'm in the lights
I just wanted to hug you
Because who knows what tomorrow will bring
I would walk even barefoot on thorns
Find you among millions of people
I just wanted to hug you
Because who knows what tomorrow will bring

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Pablo Rosenberg and Gal Toren - Changes in the Weather

I thought of this clip recently which is taken from Pablo Rosenberg and Gal Toren's very successful show 'Trip after the Army'. In the first season they followed in the footsteps of young Israelis just out of the army who traveled to India, and in later seasons they went to South America and Japan, always combining their curiosity for new places with humor and their love for singing with people. In the 5th season they traveled throughout the country and this clip was filmed in Rehaniya, a Circassian town near the border of Lebanon. In the episode the mother explains that they are Muslims who make an effort to preserve their Circassian heritage - at school, the kids learn Circassian, Hebrew, Arabic, and English. While they preserve their Circassian culture they are also part of Israeli society and Pablo and Gal chose to sing this Shlomo Artzi classic after hearing from the mother how much she loves him, and also after she told them about her late husband who passed away three years earlier. I love everything about this clip but it's painful to realize that visiting Rehaniya is unthinkable today, a situation that needs to be changed though no one can guarantee that this new stage of escalation we're in will really bring life back to normal in Rehaniya and in other towns in the north.

An excellent translation of the full version by Moshe Kaye, taken from LyricsTranslate:

Changes in the weather have caused me to think
that in addition I am also sad about you
near the house that was my home, they have paved a road
I know, something here changes.
Here is a cloud,
similar to other clouds that already passed by and despite it all I still see shapes

Once I would come close
with all my body for your kisses,
I would come to you, to learn everything.
Once there were with me other people
I am left with only their names
the sea also wipes away names - written in the sand.
but now I know, 
that despite it all you are with me,
and together, the two of us together, were born.

Changes in the people have made me think
that besides you I don't have anyone to love
near the house that was my home, they have paved a road
I know something about good and evil.
Here is the sea
Similar to another sea, and another sea and thus it will continue.
There is always the sea, there is always a boat.

Once I would come close...

That which you said and which you didn't made me think
That our words are meeting.
Near the house that was my home, they have paved a road
They gave it a name, they always give names.
Here you are also
Sometimes you are similar to the sea, and sometimes no
Sometimes you are there, sometimes you are here

Once I would come close...

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Uri Brauner Kinrot - As if nothing

I've been thinking of this song a lot in the past few weeks, especially as we're nearing the high holidays and the first anniversary since October 7th which is just around the corner and falls this year on the 'terrible days', the time of reflection and soul-searching between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. I went to the hairdresser yesterday and was surprised to hear Stevie Wonder from the speakers. The last time I was there, in early April, there was no music playing and my hairdresser said it would stay that way until all the hostages would return. I don't blame him for putting the music back on, but I still felt a pang in my heart. The last time I went it was a few weeks before Passover and we talked about how hard it was to wish a happy holiday. Indeed, it was a very sad Passover though there was some sense of hope when we read the line 'next year in Jerusalem', surely we would all be together next year, right? Now we're approaching Rosh Hashana and the thought that so many families will be marking the new year without their loved ones is devastating. There's some sense of comfort in the realization that no matter what life moves on and yet, at the same time, it emphasizes just how stuck we all are when we could have been in a different place by now.

The earth is shaking
The light is fading and disappearing
And the trees, and the flowers
As if nothing

Clouds are crying
Waves are crashing like drunks
And the boats and the fish
As if nothing

Also the moon, on her route
Looks from above and is infinitely far away
She will never change her way

My heart is broken
Nothing is the same anymore
My dream is lost
My world is over

Autumn that has not passed
Time seems to have stopped
And life goes on
As if nothing

Also the moon, on her route
Looks from above and is infinitely far away
She will never change her way

My heart is broken
Nothing is the same anymore
My dream is lost
I'm out of air

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Aner - Dove

Heartbroken to hear of the tragic murder of six of our hostages: Hersh Goldberg-Polin, 23, Eden Yerushalmi, 24, Ori Danino, 25, Alex Lobanov, 32, Almog Sarusi, 27, and Carmel Gat, 40. Heartbroken and also furious, especially after hearing that they were killed by Hamas terrorists just a few days ago and that four of them were meant to be released in the first stage of the proposed hostage deal. For almost 11 months we have been told again and again that only force will bring the hostages back when it's clear that the remaining hostages are now more in danger than ever before. Getting them home alive as soon as possible should be the government's top priority but it clearly isn't and the risk of abandoning them again is too high, not just for them and their families but also for us as a society.
I thought of this chilling song when I heard Rachel Goldberg-Polin and Jon Polin's powerful speech at the DNC, when they recounted how Hersh and his best friend Aner went to the Nova music festival and found themselves at the Re'im death shelter where dozens were killed but at least seven were saved thanks to Aner's selfless heroism. Aner's parents wanted him to be remembered not just for his death but also for the life he led and the music he made, which he had dreamed of sharing with the world. After his death, Aner's parents and friends went through over 60 of his songs and chose six of them to release in an introductory E.P. Each one of them showcases his immense talent but this song especially reveals who Aner was and how he saw the world. I can't help but wonder if Hersh ever heard these songs back in Aner's room in Jerusalem. After all he had been through he was so close to getting his life back and Jon and Rachel were so close to finally getting their son back home.

People are being murdered on my street
Can't you hear it in my voice?
Trying to concentrate on the half-full glass, shit
Again rockets in the air, going into the room
A stainless steel door I don't feel like I belong
But picking up a weapon won't make me feel that I do
For years I dream of seeing everything here quiet, there's no
Rest in my country for anyone
Kids in the Gaza envelope are sitting in a shelter 
In the West Bank they live in fear
I grew up like this, what's new?
A few more dead
Aren't you exhausted?

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Shlomi Shaban and Chava Albertstein - An Awakening Drill

Operation Protective Edge ended almost exactly 10 years ago and I've been thinking about it a lot this year and especially this past summer. I was 24, just starting my first serious job in Tel Aviv after mandatory army service and a university degree, and was worried about my friends who were serving in Gaza as reservists, not to mention friends whose lives were completely disrupted due to the constant rocket fire, as opposed to what we experienced in the center where there were daily rockets and sirens but for the most part we carried on as best as we could, with the war in the background. For citizens south of Tel Aviv it was a completely different story and the children who suffered from intense rocket fire are now young adults, many of them serving in the IDF alongside reservists who were soldiers back then. I can't help but also think of the children on the other side of the border- what has become of the young adults who were children in 2014? What will be of the young adults in 10 years, who were children in a terrible reality today? 
Each war has its own soundtrack and though released a few months before the war, this phenomenal song received significant airplay on the radio during that awful summer, fitting with the war atmosphere of the time. I only found out a few years ago that it uses a sample of the Yarkon Trio's 1964 cover of Peet Seeger's 'Where Have All the Flowers Gone', in the part where they sing 'When will they ever learn?'. When will we ever learn?

Where did you go my love?
I'm right beside you
Where is the mother, my mother?
You have been alone for some time
What about the good and soft sun?
It sunk as it rose
If so tell me, tell me if so
Everything is already told, stored, filed, and reported.

I hear horsemen again
You don't hear anything
And a bitter smell arises from the noise
And it will go and get stronger
Why am I cold, so cold?
It's not very complicated
You're familiar yet so far
You are next to yourself
I'm right beside you

If this is just a drill
It's truly a successful one
The skies are painted in vanilla
The horizon is ashen
Everything comes back redder
From the trenches and in the towers
Tell me, are we winning?

When exactly did all this happen?
While you all were writing songs
And what about them, if we're already talking?
They are left to those who remember
So basically, nothing happened
So basically, everything is in order
You were always willing to compromise
You are breaking my heart, I'm right beside you

If this is just a drill, it's truly a successful one
The skies are painted in vanilla
The horizon is ashen
Everything comes back redder, in stretchers and flowers
Tell me, are we? Tell me, are we?

Along the bank an old fox howls
Bootless commanders fell to pray
The silent wind shocks
A young girl escaped from the mosque
The darkness gathered and didn't descend

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Shabak Samech - I Fall Down and Rise

I recently came across Jimbo J's moving cover of this song, as part of Beit Avi Chai's wonderful "Song of Hope" series. Some of the episodes are translated into English here. I rediscovered Shabak Samech's timeless hit from 2000 and just had to share this wild video clip, so fitting for these strange and challenging days. 

The road is long and winding
I fall down and rise
I will never stop walking
I fall down and rise
Passing one bridge after another
I fall down and rise
How long the road is...
I stand with my head raised

They say love is one in a million
They say there's no chance the sun will shine on me
They say I'll fall, that I'll run away
They say I'll be left alone
That I don't fit with life
Because I lack the desire for gold and jewels
I don't have the right cards
Maybe it's society that crumbles
If this place isn't right for rainbow seekers
For those who ignore the signs of the times
And where is my star?
People, I exist
To you I may seem without value
But I have a soul, I have a song, I have the way

The road is long and winding...

Before me a column of fire, behind me clouds of smoke
I left a city of metal behind, where am I going?
To a place where the sun is not hidden by buildings
Beyond the mountains to the fields of green
For there is a sweeter place than this
Where there is a longer time, as much as we need
A moment comes when we have to think
To spread our wings, say goodbye and leave
To a place where I can be myself
After 2000 years of exile, want to be free
Beyond the horizon, where the birds are singing
There I shall go and until then I'll sing

How long the road is, and how winding,
I do not stop walking, I can't stop
Leaving behind my fears and sorrow
Everything is all, I must continue
Everything that happens, I know it should
I am the fire that cannot be extinguished
the music will take me up and deep
The road is long, walking it is to live

The road is long and winding...

Every ending is a new beginning
Sorrow is a sign that happiness soon comes
I am not competing and not at war
My head's in the clouds, feet on the ground
The road is long and winding...

Flawless translation from LyricsTranslate